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Susanne Kutter | Like a soft blanket over my eyes | 15.03. - 20.04.2024 | furnitures, lamps, foil, found pieces, 10kg powder sugar
Susanne Kutter
Like a soft blanket over my eyes
15.03. - 20.04.2024
#2 related to fragment
In her artistic work, Susanne Kutter often deals with the catastrophic relationship between nature and culture. Again and again, themes emerge such as the loss of security, continuity and order. In this context, she also reflects on the changing role of women in Western society and the increasing disappearance of the bourgeois middle class, traditionally characterized by wealth, education and culture. For the glass house superbien! Berlin she creates a homely idyll of icy cold and poetic beauty. (Susanne Kutter)