Ellinor Euler | Umschrift II | 23.03. - 23.04.2018 | laquered wire (photos Anne Katrin Stork)
From March to April Ellinor Euler showed at super bien! greenhouse for contemporary art, semi-transparent almost spherical objects worked with colored enameled wire. The spheres, hanging from cylindrical extensions, distributed in the greenhouse, set a game in motion between the resulting shape and its color, between delicate fullness and emptiness, between structure and knitted fabric. How natural a gap opens up between the viewer and work, between work and space. By changing the respective the game continues, new references emerge between space and object, between objects, new color tones light up. In the greenhouse the complexity of the objects becomes doubly permeable, as it were. They can be traced back on all sides to the origin and variation of the line. Ellinor Euler has been working on translation for 2 years her graphic structures into space, so called space drawings. The starting point are basic geometric shapes such as a circle, square, triangle. They return again in space as spheres, cylinders, cuboid and line. (...) (Anne Katrin Stork)